DAY 8 – Happy Monday Coaches!
LAUNCH PHASE I POST 8: Effective Inviting
Quote of the Day:
“A real conversation always contains on invitation; You are inviting another person to reveal herself or himself to you, to tell you who they are or what they want.” –David
Inviting people is one of the key activities for you as a Coach. When we genuinely want to help others, inviting becomes a natural step. Without much thought, we talk about what we feel passionate about…so don’t overthink inviting. Keep it simple and conversational.
Consider these FOUR points:
1. Be clear. In an attempt to not seem “pushy” we may beat around the bush in our invites. This gives the impression that we aren’t confident in what we’re offering. When you invite, be clear and direct about what you’re asking them to do in one sentence: “I want you to join me in this next Challenge Group.”
2. Be conversational. Don’t try to memorize a perfect script — people respond best when they feel you’re conversing with them naturally. So, work the invitation into a discussion. It’s normal to feel nervous, but practice and experience will make this easier as time goes on, so be patient.
3. Lower the pressure. No one likes to feel “salesy” when talking with other people. You’ll feel salesy when your focus is on you instead of helping the other person. We want to share and build relationships, not sell and make transactions. Remember, you’re asking them to make a simple decision to help improve their quality of life, so relax and don’t put so much pressure on yourself or them!
Watch Invitation Process Video here:
FYI- When I first decided to join as a Coach Tommy Migrant and Mike Ryan were the mentors I used to learn this process. I learned from the best and STILL use these strategies, but have made them my own. Learning to have genuine conversations and make the invitation is THE most important part of being successful as a coach other than implementing the 4 Vital Behaviors daily. This has helped me achieve Success Club for 41 consecutive months (22 of those 41 months has been Success Club 10 or more).
Learn to get great at this and you will be better than the competition 😉
1. Share with me what flavor of Shakeology you had today and your workout
2. Share with me the first names of at least three people from your Contact List that you invited to your Challenge Group.
3. Post a healthy recipe that you like or are going to try on your social media page, tell people what you like about it or why you’re excited to try it, and tag me in the post